Sunday, July 14, 2013

Joint Concert 聯合演奏會 with KKYO (建國少年交響樂團) and Taiwan Hsin Chu Symphonic Band (新竹縣少年管弦樂團) on 21 July 2013

A Joint concert with Kian Kok Youth Orchestra (KKYO) and and Taiwan Hsin Chu Symphonic Band. In this concert, we are going to play for about 20 songs besides KKYO but combined with Taiwan Hsin Chu Symphonic Band. Many pieces will be played during the concert and MORE surprise will be presented. STAY TUNED!

這是一場由亞庇建國中學少年交響樂團(KKYO)及臺灣新竹縣少年管弦樂團組合的一場聯合演奏會。這場演奏會將演奏將近20首著名的交響樂曲。演奏會將會呈現本地作品, 台灣作品, 世界名曲及古典樂曲等等。這場備受矚目的演奏會, 您準備好前來觀賞了嗎?